Welcome Back ~ 2024-2025 School Year Info
Welcome Back to School!!!
We look forward to having a fun-filled year full of learning and growing.
Open House is Tuesday, August 13th
5:00 to 6:00 PM.
This time will allow you to meet your child’s teacher, drop off supplies and help your child know where to go on the first day of school.
Last year we found great success with our policy of not allowing parents in the building on the first day of school. For the first week of school we always allow our kindergartners in the building first so they can find their classrooms and will have many staff members in the building on the first day to help all students find their classrooms.
Just a reminder – we will NOT be selling iPad cases at Open House.
This is a “LATE START” day! Doors will open at 8:55,
tardy bell rings at 9:10 – Dismissal is 3:15
Parents, please be patient with bus transportation the first days of school. Everyone is learning the new bus routes and routines – students and drivers.
Also, please don’t forget that regular dismissal at Porter Lakes is to be a BUS rider. If your student will be a car rider (either every day, or just on a specific day) we will need a note specifying the change in dismissal. If your student will be a car rider everyday, one note, on the first day of school will suffice – or you may email the office at carol.magurany@ptsc.k12.in.us OR lillian.garcia@ptsc.k12.in.us
If we do not have a note or email, we will have the student ride the bus home.
We look forward to seeing you and beginning an awesome 2024-2025 school year!!
Harmony to Skyward Qmlativ Transition
We have upgraded our student information system from Harmony 3 to Skyward Qmlativ. This change will require new login credentials to access our revamped Skyward Family Access portal. Please phone the school office at 219-306-8076 if you have not received your Skyward information.
Student iPads Upgrade
Additionally, we are pleased to inform you that we will upgrade all student iPads to the new 10th generation iPad for the upcoming school year. These new iPads will be covered by an AppleCare which will greatly expedite and improve the repair process. However, this upgrade necessitates the use of specific approved protective cases. For details about the new iPad repair process and to view the list of approved cases, please visit the following links: